Rabitabank OJSC

Rabitabank, launched in 1993, soon expanded its scope of activities covering different economic fields and turned into an all-purpose bank. Currently, customers of Rabitabank are the enterprises representing trade, production, construction, agriculture, transport, communication, and other fields. At the same time, the bank provides all types of financial services to individuals.

During 30 years of operation, Rabitabank created a network consisting of 27 branches and 1 departments, was represented in 14 regions of the country, including Sumgayit, Guba, Gusar, Khachmaz, Lankaran, Ganja, Shamkir, Shirvan, Shaki, Nakhchivan, Shamakhi, Kurdamir, Aghsu, Masalli, and Aghjabadi, maintaining its position among the largest banks of the country. Business cooperation with international financial institutions and a large number of customers have laid a solid foundation for the further successful development of the bank.

  • "Rabitəbank" Open Joint Company
  • Rabitabank OJSC
  • Head Office: Baku city., AZ 1010, 28 May str. 33


Risk Management Committee

Functions of the committee: Submission for approval of the supervisory board risk management strategies, policies and regulations, as well as their modification and confirmation; assigning

Assets and Liabilities Management Committee

Functions of the committee: Effective management of the bank's assets; effective management of market risk, control of the bank's financial position.

Credit Committee

Functions of the committee: Long-term security and stability of the financial activities, monitoring of the financial situation, rational risk management.

Information Technology Committee

Functions of the committee: Organizes control over the systems and processes of the Bank's management systems and information technology, minimizes the risks of using information technologies,

Rewarding Committee

Functions of the committee: Determines the rewarding policy based on long-term outcomes of the Bank and aimed at achieving its strategic targets and submits it to

International business partners

German Sparkassenstiftung
German Cooperation
World Business Capital INC (WBC)
Islamic Development Bank
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
International finance corporation
Qara Dəniz Ticarət və İnkişaf Bankı

Local business partners

Azerbaijan Industrial Corporation
Mortgage and Credit Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Credit Bureau
Deposit Insurance Fund
State Fund for Information Technology Development
Entrepreneurship Development Fund
Azerbaijan Industrial Corporation
Mortgage and Credit Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Credit Bureau
Deposit Insurance Fund
State Fund for Information Technology Development
Entrepreneurship Development Fund